Due to the historic nature of the day, we should not forget that we should have a voice in matters that affect us in the world of education. Here are two issues that you can take action on right now:
1. Government Pension Offset (GPO)/Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)
With the start of a new congress, there is a need to again introduce legislation to repeal GPO/WEP, which adversely affects the social security benefits of public workers who receive a state pension. To contact your legislator use this link http://capwiz.com/nea/issues/alert/?alertid=12404786 and tell them you want them to co-sponsor this legislation. President Obama was a Senate Co-sponsor of this bill last session and many feel this may be an opportune time to see this policy changed.
2. American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill (AKA the stimulus package)
This is part of the so-called “Stimulus Package” that will be taken up early in the new administration. NEA has requested that some funds be included for education. Get more information and contact your legislators by clicking on www.nea.org/lac.
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